there was a teacher interested in making her students read and write in English about interesting topics. She heard about blogs and thought that they could help her motivate her students to use English freely.
And this is how Our English Class blog was born. I hope that you post comments and writings and contribute with your ideas to make this blog an interactive tool to learn.
I look forward to reading your post soon.
And this is how Our English Class blog was born. I hope that you post comments and writings and contribute with your ideas to make this blog an interactive tool to learn.
I look forward to reading your post soon.
1 comment:
Dear Montse,
My name's Carol Ibáñez and I'm the Teacher Training Coordinator in the IEN (Institut d'Estudis Nord-americans) in Barcelona.
I've found your PELE project in the internet and i've been checking your school and everything you're doing there. I love your ideas and I wanted to ask you for permission to talk about your school and give copies of your PELE project to trainees in our "Secundaria" course. We have 3 courses approved by Generalitat dealing with how to teach in Infantil, primària and secundària. Your work is so interesting I thought I could mention you as an example to others who might want to start working along the same lines in their high schools.
Thanks a lot for your time and let me know if you'd be ok with my request or if you'd rather i didn't mention this.
My email address is:
If you want to check our school and the courses we have, this is our site
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