Tuesday, April 05, 2005

USA History

This month we are working on USA History. I would like you to do the treasure hunt you will find on my webpage.

Have you been able to answer all the questions? Write down a brief summary and post it here to get extra credits!!!!

1 comment:

Aredhel said...

Seño, sóc la Inma. Crec que va dir que pujesim les respostes aquí, a vere que tal m'han anat (per cert, m'he vist obligada a registrar-me i ferme un blogger d'aquests, jeje):

1.- Who were the wampanoag?
-People of the First Light. The original Native People that lived—and continue to live—in southeast Massachusetts, including present day Plymouth, Cape Cod, and eastern parts of Rhode Island.

2.- Thanksgiving is a celebration that originated with the Pilgrims. However it all started with harvest celebrations. How long was the 1621 harvest celebration?
-The 1621 harvest celebration lasted three years.

3.- Why did the Pilgrims emigrate to America?
- For escape the religious controversies and economic problems of their time.

4.- When and where did the first colonists arrive in America? (year, city and state or region)
-1620/ Wampanoag/Cape Cod.

5.- What is the name of the first ship that arrived in America?
- The ship Fortune.

6.- Name three very important slave insurections between 1800 and 1831.
-(no surt la pàgina i no sé com buscar-ho per internet. Si serveix d’alguna cosa, he trobat això: The Confessions of Nat Turner, the Leader of the Late Insurrection in Southampton, Va.

7.- Apart from being the hero of a well known novel "Roots", what is the slave Kunta Kinte famous for?
-(tampoc funciona la pàgina, crec que és la mateixa)

8.- Who was the president of the USA when the America Civel Was broke out?
- Abraham Lincoln.

9.- Which political party did John F. Kennedy belong to? How long was he a president of the USA?
- Democrat/- 3 years.

10.- What is St. Valentine's Day Massacre?
-(tampoc funcione, ho he trobat a Wikipedia) The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre is the name given to the shooting of seven people (six of them gangsters) as part of a Prohibition Era conflict between two powerful criminal gangs in Chicago, Illinois in the winter of 1929: the South Side Italian gang led by Al "Scarface" Capone and the North Side Irish/German gang led by George "Bugs" Moran